ElaN Learning protects your privacy!

When you give us your personal details, you agree to the fact that they will be processed in the databanks of ELAN Languages nv, Marktplein 13, 3550 Heusden-Zolder. The personal details you give us, will only be used to:


•    tell you about any vacancies at ELAN Languages which most suit your profile, we do this at a regular basis after your online registration;
•    inform you about our new products and services, a.o. by sending you information via e-mail which could be of interest to you;
•    send you our newsletters and our ELAN eflash;
•    improve the management of our sites and services which we offer you.


We will keep the personal information you entrust us safe and secure and we are committed to respect the Belgian statutory regulations concerning this, like the law of 8 December 1992 on safeguarding your privacy. Moreover, on no account shall we impart your personal details to third parties, unless you have explicitly given prior consent.


Furthermore, at any time, you can appeal against the further processing of your details. This appeal is completely free. To do so, please notify us by letter or e-mail.